Sunday, September 11, 2005

Another Weekend Come And Gone...

Well, so it begins....Week #1 done and gone...We've stuck to our reading - well, except with one little blip...seems two small heathens were particularly irritated one day, so much so that their poor, frustrated mother lost it and sent them to bed early. Early bedtime + dirty children = showers in the morning...and that means we missed some reading time. The upside is that I caught Rai reading Archie comics a couple of times, so I didn't feel so bad about missing our read aloud.

Generally, I was able to stick to a schedule. Kori was fine the first day, mildly irrated the second and downright awful the third. Back to midly irritated on Friday....and we'll see how she is on Monday. If the weekend turns out to throw her off too much, we'll have to add them to the schedule too. The things you do for your kids...

In other news, Rai got his hockey schedule! Auntie Janie has redeemed herself by finding a practice jersey for him in Kingston (No, I'm NOT driving to Kingston for a $16 practice would cost me that much in GAS MONEY!). He's very excited. Rai is also registered for Beavers...Big Thanks to Greg "Ringtail" Cowan for personally calling me, from the registration table and inviting me to come and fill out the form...with seconds to spare. I think we ousted some poor boy to the waiting list and pissed off a few parents...but hey, Rai's back in Beavers! Again...the things you do for your kids...

Elizabeth "Brown Owl" Jadoo called this week as well. Brownies will start up soon...need to register this week. And as soon as they can track down the proper lady to find out, they think they may need me to be "Badge Owl" this year. Now tell me...there's Brown Owl, Hootie Owl, Tawney Owl...and BADGE Owl??! That'll teach me to be so proactive with Kori when working on her Brownie Badges, now, won't it?!

In all this planning - and it being so important to me for working a weekly schedule - you would think that I would think to ask exactly which Monday and Tuesday all these lovely things are going to be starting. Sometimes it is glaringly obvious why Brian shakes his head at me.

So, off we go into the fresh new week....I have to see if I can dredge up some change to pay allowance out tonight...or Raiden won't let tomorrow come...he's been shopping around and I think I see a new video game on the horizon...

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