Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pardon my absence yesterday evening.

I had a late date. DH and I loaded up a movie and had cheese and crackers. We also finished up a bottle of Zinfandel. After opening it. It was nice. But it made for a late night.

Why so late, you ask??

Because at 9:30pm, we decided to set up our science experiment. (It failed dismally, but that's ok - it's all part of the process.) Pretty colours, no? So, kiddies all educated and then tucked into bed, you'd think I'd be good to cozy up on the couch, right?
Not so much. Ok. After B had his turn, then we cozied up on the couch for our date.

There were less shenanigans today.
I expect it was because much of the afternoon and evening were spent outdoors playing in the wet, sticky barely-there layer of fluffy white that has accumulated over the last 24 hours. Fresh air and large muscle activity: it'll cure what ails ya.

I finished Wuthering Heights today.

I feel a little disturbed. As though Nelly was living vicariously through those she served. And since her 'nurslings' turned up happy in the end (because everyone else was dead), it was a happy ending. I'm glad that was the only book Emily Bronte ever wrote...if there were more, I feel I'd have to read at least one other so she could redeem herself in my mind. Not that that's a big goal of hers, two hundred years later... I will end up watching one of the movies, though. It's the sort of thing I do to myself.
I have another movie date planned for this evening. No wine this time, though. So I'm off once again to drag my wonderful husband off his PC. B's overtime is nice, but it definitely cuts into our evenings. Not that I'm complaining. Not in the least. I'm happy that he's excited about these projects he's working on.

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