Thursday, November 2, 2006

Puttering Along

Ok, a quick catch up to let you all know that I'm still alive. Day #5 with the new schedule firmly in mind and it's going well. I am not sweating the small stuff. It will all get sorted out. We have 3 chunks of schooling planned throughout the day and we always hit two. That's pretty good for me. I'm starting to feel a little more balanced. However, that novelty may wear off. Ok...on to what's been going on.

Lovely program at the local Museum last Friday. I may have already mentioned that. Pics to follow...some day.

Hallowe'en was great. A gloomy and drizzly day turned into a clear and balmy (for the end of October) evening. We went over to the neighbourhood where Brian grew up and did two streets. The kids got two huge bags of loot each...we've got enough to keep us in chocolate, chips and treats until June, I'm sure. We could easily skip Easter treats and be ok.

Rai finished up his meds the other evening. I am monitoring his temp as I fully expect him to crash within the week. I am continuing his ColdFX and enzymes - which seem to ward off any digestive upset. The sore tummy has not disappeared, but it is easier for him to recognize and describe. Which says to me the general discomfort is gone and the specific complaint is apparent. Dropped off his first sample at the lab this morning: Dr.W is also wanting to monitor him until we see the specialist on the 21st.

Enjoyed a nice afternoon at the Y yesterday as the guests of friends. The Y is trying to be more 'family friendly' and has tried to open up it's schedule, services and equipment to families with 'youth'. I even got a nice walk in on the treadmill with my girlfriend as we did not have to be tied to the kids. Nice.

Looks like we'll be taking in a Sens game this weekend. Very nice surprise as we are being given tickets. At first, just Brian and Rai were going to go, but now it loks like there are extra tickets so it's turned into a family outing. My kids will have been to 2 NHL games in the space of a year. Pretty decadent. Come to think of it, we were given tickets to the local Braves game for Friday night as well. And that birthday surprise I was thinking about for Brian looks like it will work out. And the car is able to be paid off as soon as we make the call. How blessed are we? It's funny how good things pop up when you're not looking. We are busy trying to make good changes. Focusing our energy on doing better with what we have. And these nice extras just jump out and slam into you. Funny how that happens, eh?

I am off to do lunch and school work with the kids for the afternoon. We were so productive this morning, I'm almost afraid to. Errands, schoolwork, housework and computer time?!?!? Brian's going to start taking my temperature....

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