I feel a little silly blogging today. I don't have anything profound or witty to tell you about.
Mother's Day went off without a hitch. The whole fam had a great day. The kids were tired by bedtime, that's for sure. We spent lots of time outside: got the kids' bikes out, went kite flying, took the kids to the park by the river, walked the dog, played basketball at the local schoolyard. We fit in a wee bit of shopping too. I bought some new dirt. That's fun. I also picked out a few herbs and Brian didn't even remind me about my black thumb, he just went along willingly as though me buying plants was the most regular, common sense thing to do in Spring.
I've started my new book I won from Lindsey. I think instead of racing through it, I'm going to read it slowly and see what sticks. I'll have to blog about it sometime. I've just finished chapter one and a lot of it is making a lot of sense. It's my first dive in a long time into a book centered around Christian principles. So, between the subject matter and the Christian content, I should have something to say that will get a rise out of someone.
The kids and I have begun some reading for our GeoClub Egypt project. Generally, I think Egypt is overdone, but this time we're studying modern Egypt. I think focusing on Egypt today will give the kids some balance to the overwhelming amount of Ancient Egypt there is strewing their path. Our assignment is to present the Culture of Egypt to our group. After we read up, we'll talk about our favorite parts and then come up with a creative way to present that information to our group.
My dad is firmly entrenched in the daily grind of corporate customer service again. He is hurried and harried. He is doing a job that he was doing when I was my kids' ages. It's a weird dejavu thing for me. I wonder if he notices it? Personally, I think that he may be a little old for the same crap he used to deal with 20 - 25 years ago: pissy employees, negative attitudes, lazy work ethics, commissions and quotas. But, it's a job and he's good at it. He also has the opportunity to retain his entire customer load from the old shop. Which is a good case he ever decides to go independent again.
My mom also got a job. She never thought she would get this job in particular. In fact, she's not sure she wants the job at all. It was supposed to be a 'job interview practice session'. However, the lady interviewing suddenly decided to hire her. Mom started working on Monday. I haven't yet heard how it's going. Let's see how vague I can be: Mom's working for a well-known local lady's family business. Mom is doing the books in the office as well as learning sales in the showroom. And she's not selling cars. It being a small, successful, family-based business should be right up Mom's alley.Brian bathed the dog last night. She looks better. Not so greyish about the head and legs. But the bathroom smells funny. She smells...different. Brian says she smells doggie shampoo. I guess I'm not too big on the doggie shampoo smell. I do agree that her smell has much improved. Since she's a wuss-dog, we have to skip the hair dryer and let her dry au natural. She's still damp this morning. Then she went to stand out in the pouring rain first thing this morning. I can't wait for her to dry out completely so I don't have to smell clean dog anymore.
The kids activities are winding down. Raiden has his last Beavers (Boy Scouts) to-do tonight. He'll 'graduate' from Beavers and 'swim up' to Wolf Cubs. Kori is finished with her Girl Guides regular meetings. The girls are getting ready for a weekend camping trip that Kori doesn't want to go on. However, I'm going to make her go....that's a whole other blog for another time. Soccer stars this weekend with a two day soccer camp. That's Rai's summer thing. Kori has asked to swim all summer, so as the summer session approached, we'll add in some extra swimming to the schedule. Otherwise, I'm trying to avoid the moms I run onto who are all about the 'What day camps/programs/activities/sports/educational pursuits/tutoring are your kids in for the summer?' I love it when they launch into their kids' micro-managed nine weeks of summer stimulation. I love it especially when they feel the need to find something, anything for my kids to do in the summer. Because, certainly, I have dropped the ball by not joining the mass stampede to the sign-up counter. Isn't it unfortunate that my kids won't have anything to do this summer?
And today is errand day. I'm off to drag Kori out of bed. Then it's the library, the grocery store and whatever else we can cram in so I don't have to run around town all week. And just for fun, I think I'll have the kids do their bookwork before we go out. They'll love that.
1 comment:
See, this is why I love reading your blog. You are so honest and up front about even the daily stuff!
I don't know if you read Doonesbury. There was a great Sunday strip a year or two ago where Boopsie is explaining that she didn't send her daughter to any camp or enrichment programs over the summer. I'll do some research and send you the link when I find it.
Can't wait to read your book review!
Peace and Laughter,
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